For my first post, I would like to dedicate this to myself. I keep on hearing stuff like “You can do this…” or “…there’s nothing to fear” so let me trust them voices in my head.

It has taken a long time to get here but I jumped. I am quite heavy (both emotionally and physically) so this jumping thing is not really something I enjoy. You get closed up in a box for so long you get used to being carried around but even those who carry get tired at some point and have to put the box down. Well,truth be told, mine was put down ages ago but I sealed myself from inside the box where it was calm.

Then I got to another of my birthdays and realized that the calm did not stop aging. In my box, I was comfortable but I guess a little discomfort is healthy. Trust me, jumping is so uncomfortable for someone used to a couch. Most of the time you don’t want to do it but that is the point. Even if you don’t want to, there’s the other side to get to.

I guess what I am saying is welcome to my new life. Well, not really a new life but you get the picture. I welcome you to jump with me. You don’t have to land on your feet just get yourself there.

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