Have you ever looked in a mirror and wondered who was that looking back at you? Or maybe had a day when your hair just refused to behave? We all have. Truth is we did not wake up like this. Here is the ugly truth.

Girl or guy we all sleep and drooling is something that happens often. We feel embarrassed, like it wasn’t supposed to happen. I have woken up in the middle of the night just to switch sides of my pillow and slept like it never happened. I hate going for sleepovers(especially if the place belongs to a guy) just in case I leave a pool of my saliva on his clean sheets that he probably cleaned just to impress me. My face is a mess after one of those nights and those are the moments you praise God if you live alone.

My hair is another ‘ugly’. I have okay hair. Most of the days it is well combed and beautifully curled(thanks to tcb hair relaxer) bouncing on my head. The other times however it is hidden. Reason being when it grows, the natural hair is hard to comb. I mean it is the hardest task everyday. People always say they wish they had my hair but to tell you the truth, I wish no one this kind of harm. One day I went to the salon and the lady said that relaxers were made for hair like mine. I agree!

I love my nails but it seems the feeling is not mutual. I pamper them as much as I can afford(with moisturizers and stuff) but the are still ‘ugly’. I won’t complain about the shape since that is not my fault but I have tried other things.

What to do?

I have learnt to embrace every flaw I tend to see. I love my hair and while it will not always be bouncy, I will flaunt it on those days that it happens to bounce and shine. I will buff and file my nails, keep them moisturized and paint them.I will force them to be pretty. While I can’t change the drooling, I accept that it happens.

You don’t have to be pretty everyday. Cut yourself some slack. There is someone out there who wishes they had that hair you hate so much or the fat you can’t seem to lose. If you can’t do anything about it then take it as it is and if you can improve it then by all means do it. Until you accept that you have it, you’ll never be happy with it. That wrinkle that just started showing is a sign that you have been through this thing called life and you should be grateful that you got to get to the wrinkles.You only have to take more water or something like that.

In other words, open up you heart to your flaws. Take a deep breathe and know that your ‘ugly’ is not the worst out there so dress it and flaunt it. You might be surprised.


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