
So, I happen to be a gainfully employed citizen of this country. This is my dream job. You know when you go to school there is that one country you want to work for? I am working for mine. This post is to basically encourage you to throw all caution to the wind once in a while. Do the one thing that will shock people. Sometimes it pays to be the reason people say, ‘Wow! I don’t think I would ever do that’. I will share with you the email I sent my current HR manager, but first a little background.

Last year I took a break from office work to go home and help with the new baby. Many did not believe that I’d just quit for my family but I did (this tells you where my family is placed in my life). Fast forward and January 2017 is here. I had started getting bored. The baby was grown and was almost weaning so my mother started dropping hints everywhere.I therefore started looking for a job, again. I had an account in every recruitment website. I’d apply and forget about it. One day I received a positive phone call from South Africa from the Microsoft Interns4Africa team. I worked with them for a while then one day I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote and email to this company. They had no vacancies by the way but somehow I got the call and a few days later joined this incredible team.

I have been working here for months now and I have no regrets.

Lesson: Just do it like Nike! You want something, go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?

Below is the email:



Have you ever had an idea which you decided it was not worth pursuing then for a couple of nights spend sleepless nights turning in bed thinking about it before finally deciding to just do it because you love your sleep way too much(Wow! That was a long sentence.)? This is mine. I can press these keys for the next couple of minutes telling you how I am qualified for a position in your company and what not but you already know that(why else would I write this email, right?). So instead I will tell you why you need me and why I need you.

First, we are young. I don’t know the lyrics to the Fun song by this title but I know what it means to me. While age is a factor, I believe our attitudes make us young or old. For us, how you conduct business and how I carry myself shows an element of being young. We both have room to grow and the willingness to do so. Our youth allow us to keep learning as well as keep improving ourselves. We are flexible and can expand and contract depending on the circumstances. Who wouldn’t want to be associated with such?

Second, working with you will boost my career. The challenges that come with marketing/advertising are what makes this job worthwhile. I know that you will teach me new things and I know that I would not join your team empty handed. What I lack in experience I sure make up for it in my passion and willingness to learn. My experience interning and working at an advertising company will come in handy. I’ll make sure of it. So as you help me in my career, I will prove to be an asset for you guys. You can’t have too much of those.

Third reason is fun. The fun we’ll have working on projects or celebrating after beating a deadline. The fun we’ll have during team building activities and the laughter and dance when a colleague turns thirty. The smiling faces when one proposes a crazy idea or the muffled giggles when the boss makes a joke in a serious meeting. All these moments shared by a great team will make working with you the greatest experience and I wouldn’t want to miss that chance. I mean who would?

If I write any more reasons, can you imagine how long this email would be? I have already written what seems to be a long letter but it had to be said. I’ll just leave my CV (read it. It is really something else) now and sit back waiting for your call or for this crazy idea to backfire in my face. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.



  1. Cess Mia

    September 11, 2017 at 10:49 pm

    Your attitude is contagious. Very optimistic. I wanna be like you when I grow up
    You’ve inspired a soul
    Congratulations on this new and exciting phase
    Go give it your all

    1. admin

      September 12, 2017 at 10:30 am

      Thank you so much. I am trying to infect as many as possible.

  2. Omija

    September 13, 2017 at 11:02 am

    Wow! This is amazing 🙂

    1. admin

      September 13, 2017 at 2:49 pm

      Thank you…glad you enjoyed it.

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