You shouldn’t mean so much

How do you?

You shouldn’t be so good

But you’re amazing

I shouldn’t worry to love you

But how can I not

When I know what awaits on the other side?

I should tell you how I feel

Ha! That’s funny

Fear wouldn’t let me.

I’ll tell you anyway

With words that’ll remain unsaid.

Fingers crossed that one day

Someone will say them

I am proud of you

Each day more than the last

Breaks my heart you’ll never know how much

You mean more to me each day

And I’m terrified of it.

Because no matter what I do

I’ll never mean half as much to you

I’ve known happiness before

So whatever you make me feel

Must be utter madness

Shit!! I think it happened

I fell again

Against all that’s sensible

With no right whatsoever

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