Please don’t hate me for loving you,

I already don’t like me for it

Please pretend that you know nothing

Of these alien feelings in me

Because all I ever wanted was to have you

Only you in me

So don’t mind me

As I try to clean myself of them.

Third time’s normally the  charm

But not for me.

This time I  love you more,

I’ve fallen harder,

And it hurts three times over

For I know you’ll hurt me just as much.

Thank God you’ll never know

Of anything I speak of today

Not the joy of seeing you

Or how soothing for my demons your voice is

Not the light on my face when you talk

Or the feeling your scent gives me

Not the tears I know are coming

Or the sad songs accompanying them

And although I regret nothing

It will kill me when you regret it all

In all these I just hope I get a chance

Not to prove anything to you

But even if only for a minute

To bask in the glow

Of the collision that is me and you

Even if only for a minute

To feel what it could be  

If I gave and you too

No tears no pain

Even if only for a minute

To be adored and shown

What that beautiful mouth can do.

But for now I’ll hide it all

Just to procrastinate the pain

That will come when you find out.

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