Come here, you say to me

Your voice deep with emotions I can’t name

I move closer to you, ever so slowly

I’m scared but in a good way

You reach out and pull me to you

I don’t want to leave

Your face 3 inches from mine

I feel more than see your smile

The same smile that got me here

Your hands are on my waist

Mine find a way over your shoulder locking behind your head

Can we stay like this forever?

I know it’s coming so I close my eyes

I’m nervous, what if I mess up?

You give me no chance to think

Your lips are on mine and mine on yours

All I know at the moment is this

I can’t think.

You pull back a little too fast

Why is there a sense of loss?

Now all I  do is think

Did you like it?

Was it for you as it was for me?

Will I have it again?

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