I want you so bad, I can’t afford to think about you

I dream of you too deep, I can’t afford to sleep.

All these hurt so much, I can’t afford to feel

You kill me in the liveliest way I’ve known.

Sometimes I wonder, all to myself

What would happen,if you ever found out

That I’m a closed book, who wants only you to read

Then I think you wouldn’t like it, just because it’s me.

Tell me your secrets,give me life

Because for a while now,i desire to be a part of you

For you,with you,in you

Hold me close,even if just once.

I wish I meant more to you, but haha why would I?

You’ll never see me,because why would you?

I wish I had a chance, just one moment

To know what could be, if you saw me as I see you

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