I found myself there,

The last place I ever thought I’d be.

You stood smiling your face facing from me

She stood smiling looking at her feet

And I found myself watching you.

You reached for her like you once did me

Pulled her into those arms that once held me

With your hand at the back of her head

You kissed her like she was your lifeline

Your bodies spoke what your words couldn’t

And still I watched.

Like the waltz we did so well

You led her to the nearest wall.

Your hands never shy went on an adventure

Her hair looked fuller, her waist smaller

Maybe because they were filling your hands

Her breathe was caught and yours came faster

And while you danced I watched.

Her back to the wall, all shyness left her

She changed with every kiss.

Bolder, stronger and hotter

She reaches for your belt.

She pulls you closer to her,

Like you aren’t already attached.

She takes her time to release you,

And smiles into your mouth when she finally holds you

Breath stroke, breath stroke became her rhythm

You’re kissing and still I watch

Your hands explore down south,

They move like they are thinking

Her B cups fit perfectly into them,

A little pressure and they are awake.

Her flat stomach moves with her air

Pushing her waistband into your hands.

Cleverly you’re under her skirt and she’s bare

You know what to look for and you find it

She gasps for air and you nibble at her neck.

Slowly you move a finger into her, then you move

Why I’m I still watching?

Gasp stroke gasp stroke is her song

In out in out becomes yours.

With the sun in her face, on your back

You give each other parts of yourselves.

As I watch I remember

Those same fingers played me like a guitar

That mouth woke me up every time it moved

Your best part throbbed inside me hot

And changed everything

But now all I could do is watch

As you give her all that used to be mine.

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