You’ll never know just how much having you in my life means to me

You’ll never know exactly what you have done for me

Because I have no intention of saying it to you

Just incase you never liked what we had

You will never know, how deep of a pit I was in

Before you said ‘Come here’ and changed it all

You will never know, how lost I was in music I couldn’t hear

Before you changed the song and played what I didn’t know I needed

You will never know that your voice only was enough

To change my fear and show me possibilities

You will never know that your laughter and whistling

Became what I wanted to live for, when the pain seemed to bury me alive

You will never know how just knowing you didn’t hate me,

Made me love me more

You will never know how I looked forward to seeing you

Because then I’d know you were okay

And if you were then I’d be fine

You’ll just never know, that you were one of the very few I’d consider important

You’ll never know how the first time crushed me, the second distorted all I knew

And more so how this third time hurts like hell

You’ll never know the battle I fight everyday

Just to keep sane and not say all these

Because I’d rather keep you as a friend

Than lose you altogether for not having you

In all the ways I want

You will never know how much strength you gave me

Just by being there

How much confident I got

Just at the thought of you looking at me

You will never know the fears I faced

Just so I could be worthy of you

Even though I knew that you’d never want me

I hate how you’ll never know how much

I want you to know all these and more

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