A little is all I got

But I needed more

You tease me and I don’t like it

Even if you pretend I don’t live

You are forever tattooed on me

It was just enough to keep me alive

Just enough awaken the woman in me

The woman I have forced asleep

Until when I get exactly what you gave me

Thing is she is still awake

I don’t want to see you each day

Because you no longer see me

I don’t want to need you like I do

Because you will do nothing about it

And knowing this is slowly becoming the end of me.

I’m I wrong to be selfish when it comes to this?

All I want is you for me and me for you

No bull no games, just mouth just hands

Mine on yours, yours on mine

Sharing everything you let me taste

Only this time all the way.

You tease me and I don’t like it

Your existence when I remember too much

Your smell whenever I bring back

The feel of you that refuses to leave me

Enough!!Just please me like I know you could

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